EAT DIRT – An Introduction to the Microbiome

I am reading Dr. Josh Axe’s book entitled “Eat Dirt”, published this past year.  It’s full of information that confirms what I’ve been learning over the past few years.

Most of our practice is based on chronic disease or diseases that are “new” in the last 40 years.  What we have been able to deduce over the 25 years of consultations with the general public, is how much is related to our gut, our intestinal system, from our mouth all the way to our anus, and everything in between.

When I was a kid, we would move out to my grandmothers cottage at the Bluff in Pointe du Chene after the last day of school.  I don’t think I had another bath until Labour Day back in Moncton.  Those were the days.  My Dad always had a garden, organic of course, and my brothers and I were always out there pulling weeds, capturing potato bugs etc.  Did we ever wash? I am not so sure!  We swam in the ocean at Parlee Beach and dug for clams a lot.  I remember chewing my fingernails as well, so all in all, I ate a lot of dirt.  We were never sick. We were also vaginally delivered and breastfed.

I had 7 children, and we did much the same things with them.  All vaginally delivered and breast fed, we spent much of their summers at Parlee Beach, and when older at the Shediac Bay Sailing School.  Salt water, sand and garden produce,complete with dirt, were the norm..  When I look back at our family use of antibiotics, we have used only 9 antibiotic regimens over the past 32 years, for 9 people.  I think that we have helped to preserve our microbiome, collectively.

I was sitting on the beach this afternoon, and my neighbour and his wife, also a pharmacist, were asking me what I was reading.  “Eat Dirt” was not a book that you would generally bring to the beach.

This is my 4th book regarding the microbiome since September 2015.  I continue to be awed by the research.  I have come to the conclusion that the GUT is the ROOT of all EVIL and ALL GOOD.  Bacteria is NOT ALL BAD – in fact, we NEED a diverse collection of it in our guts, on our skin, and throughout our bodies.  This is what is referred to as the microbiome.  The digestive system is especially dependent on  it; restore the proper functioning of that 30 foot long tube, and we can reverse a lot of disease.  It is why I recommend probiotics to almost everyone, as well as digestive enzymes.

There are a huge variety of products on the market now and we carry several of the top lines.  Besides healing the gut itself, many target other areas of the body, as well. Everyone is unique and has different needs regarding their pre- and pro-biotics.  To discuss your situation and decide the best course of action for YOU, please make an appointment with me or my associate Dr. Taylor White, Pharm D.  by calling our receptionist Cheryl Downing at 506-853-0830 or Toll Free at 1-888-644-3673.

In Your Health,

Dr. Peter R. Ford, Pharm D